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Head Director: Ronnie Mayfield P.O. Box 387 Alvarado, Texas 76009 * Phone (817)783-6947 Welcome to the AHS Golden Warrior Band Web site! AHS is the sole high school of the Alvarado Independent School District.
Alvarado, Texas is a town of approximately 3,000 people and is located approximately 20
miles south of Fort Worth. This site contains many features for past and present band students as well as for visitors. We hope you enjoy the AHS Golden Warrior Band Web site. Please feel free to sign and/or view our guestbook on the left or e-mail us with any comments or suggestions you may have. Thanks for visiting us! SWEEPSTAKES COUNTER: '94-'95, '95-'96, '98-'99, '99-'00, '00-'01, '01-'02, '02-'03
This Web site looks best with Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher with a screen resolution of 800 X 600. Maintained by Dusty Grisham |